Barbara Mezeske: Boosterism
How can we contemplate placing a person with so much animosity toward this county in the highest elected position in the land?
How can we contemplate placing a person with so much animosity toward this county in the highest elected position in the land?
'It was ‘fake news’ that we spread over America.'
Grand Rapids-based attorney Sarah Riley-Howard said there is no basis to remove her and Elizabeth L. Geary, of Pinsky Smith law firm, from the ability to represent Cramer in his case.
I, and many other residents, are grateful for your commitment to serving our community. Your skills, talents and experience are valued.
If your choices are driven by the monsters within, consider what will be unleashed upon our neighbors, our communities, our country, and our world.
At some point in our lives, we’re going to suffer loss. Maybe we need to fill a void in our life by inviting a new friend to fill a chair around our table.
HR questions deputy administrator's ability to hire as Ottawa Impact board chair seems to be clearing the way
In an email to commissioners on Monday, Oct. 14, Deputy Administrator Ben Wetmore informed the officials that Interim Administrator Jon Anderson had resigned from his position the previous evening.
The cost of Ottawa Impact controlling the county’s board of commissioners has now edged to nearly $3 million over the past two years in unexpected costs — and that total is expected to rise.