Letter to the Editor: Good luck, Joe Moss
Get the popcorn, let us watch the next episode in OI’s self-destruction.
Get the popcorn, let us watch the next episode in OI’s self-destruction.
Ultimately, that's what God gives us: Our life renewed, through the faithfulness of a friend.
Roger Belknap filed a request with the Ottawa County Clerk’s Office on Aug. 19 asserting that he believed “fraud or errors were committed” by precinct election inspectors during the voting primary.
We are tired of this show, and ready to change the channel.
New filing claims Joe Moss 'retaliated against (Kleinjans) for his protected speech by refusing to adopt the renewal contract.'
Ottawa Impact’s majority on the Ottawa County commission has been eradicated.
I don’t see Walz as radical. I see someone who is a lot like the men who over the years sat in the pews of the churches I served.
A federal judge has denied Chris Kleinjans' request to restore him to his job after he claims MSU Extension fired him over political pressure exerted by the commission’s Ottawa Impact majority.
Tuesday, Aug. 13 Oodles of Doodles: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at Saugatuck Center for the Arts, 400 Culver St, Saugatuck. From cartooning and comic books to scribbles and shapes – explore how putting pencil to paper can make magical worlds come to life! Transform your flat doodles into 3D