Reports: Ottawa commissioner concealed firearm at Grand Valley, despite policy

An Ottawa County commissioner brought a concealed firearm onto Grand Valley State University’s Allendale campus earlier this month. Although administration and staff were notified quickly, the University’s response time to the incident has raised questions.

Reports: Ottawa commissioner concealed firearm at Grand Valley, despite policy
Ottawa County Commissioner Joe Moss, left, speaks with students Thursday, March 13, 2025, during a transgender rights vigil on the campus of Grand Valley State University. [Photo/Cathy Seaver]

By Hailey Hentz, Lee Marentette and Sarah Leach

EDITOR'S NOTE: This piece was written collaboratively by Lanthorn staff and Ottawa News Network Executive Editor Sarah Leach. ONN reporter Christopher Thome contributed to this report.

UPDATE: The original article stated that GVPD Interim Chief Leah Heaton claimed officers’ arrival time of 16 minutes was acceptable. A GVSU spokesperson said the officers’ arrival time was not recorded.

ALLENDALE — An Ottawa County commissioner brought a concealed firearm onto Grand Valley State University’s Allendale campus earlier this month. Although administration and staff were notified quickly, the University’s response time to the incident is questionable, despite a firm policy that prohibits such behavior.

Commissioner Joe Moss was one of many community members who traveled to GVSU on Thursday, March 13, to hear a speech given by Chloe Cole, an anti-trans activist.

During the time Moss was on campus for the event, which was held by the GVSU chapter of Turning Point USA (TPUSA), multiple complaints were made to University administration and the campus police department stating that Moss was carrying a concealed firearm, which violates the University’s Weapons Policy

Those who reported Moss to GVPD said the University did not act quickly enough, nor appropriately, in addressing the policy violation. Although University leadership, including public safety officials, claim immediate action was taken, Moss remained on university property for over half an hour before he was told by a GVSU official to leave campus. 

Ottawa County Commissioner Joe Moss, left, speaks with students Thursday, March 13, 2025, during a transgender rights vigil on the campus of Grand Valley State University. [Photo/Cathy Seaver]

The incident raises questions about how GVPD procedure is set up to respond to reports of weapons on campus, even if they aren’t active threats.

The GVSU Weapons Policy says no person, other than University police or authorized personnel, shall possess any firearm or weapon. Moss, who does not fit any of the aforementioned exemptions, did not notify University officials before he brought the firearm on campus, according to GVPD Interim Chief Leah Heaton.

When the Lanthorn reached out to Moss, he noted that he wasn’t aware of the incident and had no comment.

Moss, along with fellow Commissioner Sylvia Rhodea, founded Ottawa Impact, a far-right advocacy organization and political action committee, in 2021. The group has taken firm stances on gun rights, sided with anti-LGBTQ proposals and slashed funds to the county’s Department of Public Health.

During board of commissioners’ meetings at the county’s Fillmore Complex, Moss frequently carries a pistol on his hip. While going door-to-door on the campaign trail in 2022, homeowners reported to police they observed Moss’ holstered gun and felt threatened.

On March 19, 2024, Moss also posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, a photo of a GLOCK G17 pistol, asserting “it’s not always easy to conceal a full-size (GLOCK G17), but it’s a wonderful firearm.”

On March 19, 2024, Joe Moss posted on X a photo of a GLOCK G17 pistol, asserting “it’s not always easy to conceal a full-size (GLOCK G17), but it’s a wonderful firearm.” [Screenshot]

It was at least the second visit Moss has made to GVSU since the beginning of this year, with his attendance at the TPUSA event being his most recent known trip to the University. However, this is the first documented time he violated the campus weapons policy.

Moss visited GVSU in February to scrutinize “Pétalos De Cambio,” a painting that has since been removed from campus by University leadership, as some community members felt the artwork was blasphemous to Catholicism. 

Joe Moss on campus of Grand Valley State University in February 2025. [Screenshot]

After Cole’s talk on March 17, Moss and Rhodea exited the Russell H. Kirkhof Center just before 7 p.m., according to witnesses, where a transgender rights vigil was taking place to protest the TPUSA event. 

During the Cole event, there had previously been officers stationed near the outside demonstration, but they had left by the time Moss and other attendees went outside.

Moss hung around the clock tower, and engaged in conversation with students and community members. However, while he was doing so, a number of local residents noticed what they perceived to be a firearm peeking out under the hem of Moss’ jacket.

In photos time-stamped at 7:08 p.m., Moss is pictured interacting with students with a concealed firearm on his right hip.

Ottawa County Commissioner Joe Moss, left, speaks with students Thursday, March 13, 2025, during a transgender rights vigil on the campus of Grand Valley State University. [Photo/Cathy Seaver]

Heather Martin, of Zeeland Township and parent of a GVSU student, said she was near the University’s Cook Carillon clock tower when her friend Sheila Dettloff, of Holland Township, said, "'Oh, look, he's carrying.’”

“I turned and I said, 'Oh, that's not good,'” Martin described. “We turned back to the top of the stairs where campus security had been during the whole thing. But everybody had already filed out and sort of dispersed.”

There was no security nearby, Martin said, as stationed security dispersed after the Cole event.

She said she went into the Kirkhof Center and reported it to an administrator she was familiar with: Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center Director DL McKinney.

"When I turned around, they (security) weren't where they had been, but I saw the director of the LGBTQ Center who I know enough to go speak to, and I said, 'Hold on. I know someone,’” Martin said. “I went to the top of the stairs and approached them (McKinney) and said, 'Hi, remember me? Tell me, is open carry allowed on campus?' They did a deer in the headlights and said, 'Who?' I said, 'Commissioner Moss is at the bottom of the staircase, facing the clock tower, and you can clearly see it on his hip. After I spoke to them (McKinney), I came back to the bottom of the stairs.”

Meanwhile, Dettloff took photos to document what she saw — Moss with a gun on his right hip. The photos were time-stamped at 7:14 p.m.

That was the first of three attempts by vigil attendees to alert University staff and police of the policy violation. 

Charlie Zickus, of Allendale, was attending the vigil with his wife Meegan, a lawyer and biology ethics professor at GVSU. He also noticed the concealed firearm and took photos, time-stamped at 7:21 p.m.

"Charlie took the pictures, and I went back and was kind of standing there because he and I were trying to figure out, 'Okay, who has called, who hasn't and where are we at here?'” Meegan Zickus said. “Some girls nearby said, 'Oh my God, that man has a gun.' I said, ‘Okay, guys, it's okay. It's under control. We've reported it. If you need to leave, then just get up and go, but you don't need to be worried.’”

Charlie Zickus and lawyer Pete Walsh, of Grand Rapids, reported the situation to two student workers at Kirkhof’s 2020 Information Desk at about 7:20 p.m.

An ONN reporter has filed a Freedom of Information Act request to determine if the second report led to authorities being alerted.

Charlie Zickus then observed Moss walk west to Campus Drive with a group of people. Meegan Zickus said a GVSU officer pulled in, but was quite a ways away from Kirkhof and the clock tower, so they walked over to him.

[Photo/Risho Wooten]

“'Hey, we need to make a report of somebody with a gun on campus,’” Meegan Zickus told the officer. “He (the officer) took the report. He never called anybody, didn't do a thing and was like, 'Well, the most we can do is trespass him and tell him that he has to leave if he has it (a firearm).'"

The police report, the third attempt to notify staff and administration, was filed as of 7:25 p.m., according to the result of a Freedom of Information Act request.

Meegan Zickus said the officer made no move to approach Moss. At this time, Moss and the group he was with drifted further away from Kirkhof and the clock tower.

"He (the officer) didn't even ask for a description of what he (Moss) was wearing or anything," she said. "He just took the report, and was like, 'Well, it's technically not against the law.’ Pete and I were like, 'Well, you better check on that, because you got two lawyers standing here, and we're pretty sure that Grand Valley says we have a weapons-free campus.’ The cop was like, 'No, no, that's our policy, but all we do is trespass them and tell them to leave.'"

Pete Walsh, a retired attorney who attended the vigil with a group of community members, stated that while he found University police to be respectful of their concerns, he was perplexed by their response time.

“We thought it was reported,” said Walsh. “We stood around outside and no police officer showed up for like 10-15 minutes.”

Meanwhile, McKinney contacted Vice President of Student Affairs Jenny Hall-Jones, as McKinney felt a higher-level administrator should approach Moss. Hall-Jones approached Moss, who at this point was leaving of his own accord at about 7:30. 

Hall-Jones declined a request for comment by the Lanthorn. 

Martin said she was in the parking lot when she observed Moss reach his vehicle nearby at 7:36 p.m., which she noted in a text to Dettloff.

The incident report states at 7:41 p.m. that Moss had already left the clock tower by the time GVPD personnel arrived. According to Heaton, she does not have an exact time of the officers’ arrival.

Heaton claimed the arrival time was acceptable, considering the situation didn’t escalate into a direct threat, despite the three separate reports. Due to the incident not warranting an emergency response, according to Heaton, GVPD personnel obeyed all traffic laws on their route to the clock tower.

“We didn’t have any reports of the weapon being pointed or anything to escalate to an emergency response,” Heaton said. “At this point, we were responding to what is a Grand Valley policy violation.”

A University statement, which was forwarded to Lanthorn staff by the Assistant Vice President of University Communications Chris Knape, vouched for GVPD’s handling of the incident.

“Safety on our campus is our top priority,” read the statement. “GVSU has a policy prohibiting weapons on campus, and as happened in this case, the University took immediate action to assure conformance with our policy when made aware of a violation. At no time was the University aware of the person posing a threat.”

GVPD considers Hall-Jones’ interaction with Moss to be an enforcement of policy, as the commissioner left after talking with a University official. Heaton said the incident is considered “closed.” Had Moss remained on campus and not complied, the act would have been considered a trespassing violation.

“It was enforced because he was approached, informed and asked to leave,” Heaton said. “That (interaction) kind of ends that contact.”

Heaton said now that a warning is on record, the matter could be treated differently if Moss were to violate the policy again. 

Dettloff said she believed Moss to be deliberate in bringing the concealed firearm to campus. 

Ottawa County Commissioner Joe Moss speaks with students during a vigil of transgender individuals on Thursday, March 13, 2025. [Photo/Cathy Seaver]

“For him to be an elected official who should have known (the policy), and to still do it anyway tells me that he had a motivation, and that he was trying to send a message,” she said.

Meegan Zickus said a number of community members she was with are long-term concealed pistol license (CPL) holders. However, those with licenses had all left their firearms at home, and Zickus felt that Moss shouldn’t have been treated any differently due to his commissioner title.

“Just because someone’s elected doesn’t mean they get to skirt the rules that are in place,” Zickus said.

According to Michigan law, concealed firearms are only prohibited in campus dormitories or classrooms. The legislation leaves gaps on campus, prompting many universities, including GVSU to adopt “weapons-free” policies on campuses. 

GVSU’s Student Senate voted against allowing concealed firearms on campus in November 2015. The University’s Weapons Policy has largely been the same since the senate’s decision. The policy is based on legal precedent, both in Michigan, and federally.

However, a case is currently facing the U.S. Supreme Court that could possibly challenge the ability of higher education institutions to enforce their own weapons bans. Wade v. University of Michigan is challenging UMich’s on-campus weapons ban. The Michigan Court of Appeals upheld the university’s firearm ban, and the Michigan Supreme Court denied the appeal. The case is being further disputed by SCOTUS. If the Court were to rule in favor of Joshua Wade, colleges and universities nationwide, including GVSU, would be forced to reevaluate their policies.

Steven Dulan, the attorney representing Wade, is part of the Michigan Coalition for the Responsible Gun Owners’ board of directors. Dulan believes GVSU is on “extremely weak ground” with its policy, much like UMich, although the latter is afforded certain protections compared to GVSU because it is chartered in the Michigan Constitution. 

“The legality of (campus firearm bans) is questionable because it’s being litigated right now,” said Dulan. “I honestly feel that most of the colleges and universities are on extremely thin ice legally because the state statute just says clearly that (you) cannot carry concealed in a dorm or a classroom.”

Dulan added that he feels the University’s policy is “sort of hollow,” and that he doesn’t think it has “any teeth.” 

Touching on the implications of carrying in places of education, Meegan Zickus expressed that she previously had students who had witnessed the 2021 school shooting at Oxford High School.

“(Students) were freaking out, and you know that’s where the issue is,” Zickus said. “If people aren’t clear on the rules, then it causes an alarm in the students.”

Zickus said she doesn’t believe the University’s procedure for handling weapons reports is well known among students and community members. 

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“I’d like there to be some type of clear policy that this is what we do when somebody reports a person with a gun on campus, and I don’t feel there’s a clear policy,” Zickus said. “We all had to go looking for the rules.”

Zickus believes the policy and procedure, which from her perspective aren’t fully fleshed out, are cause for alarm if an emergency situation were to occur at GVSU.

“When you don’t take something seriously then all of a sudden it becomes an issue when there is an (emergency),” Zickus stated.

— Sarah Leach is the executive editor of the Ottawa News Network. Contact her at Follow her on Twitter @ONNLeach. Christopher Thome covers business and development and politics for ONN. Contact him at